Project management on a large scale

Tanya worked in creative publishing and consultancy businesses before joining DWP Digital in 2022. Now she’s a project manager with the Audio Visual team, working on a large scale Telephony Programme. 

A range of learning 

There’s a genuine commitment to personal development here. I’ve had multiple opportunities to learn new skills, develop existing ones and observe new ways of working. The training opportunities range from half hour learning sessions over Teams, to more formal development programmes.  

I like being able to balance short, informal learning with the dedication and time commitment of a formal qualification. In my short time at DWP Digital, I’ve done a Delivery Development Programme, gained a Lean practitioner qualification, and developed my knowledge of Agile methodologies. 

I find that learning helps me to maintain my energy, and that sense of growth and development of my own abilities. It’s also forced me to reflect on my approach to tasks – and in a lot of cases find a new way to solve a problem I’ve been facing. 

Balancing technical skills and soft skills 

The Delivery Development Programme has been a brilliant way to network with other digital project managers from the wider team. As a new starter, that’s invaluable. 

A stand-out part of the programme for me was the 2-day Qualification course, which came early in the schedule and served as a clear overview of the various tools a project manager needs, many of which we would delve into in more detail during the rest of the programme. Importantly, we learned how to apply this knowledge within DWP Digital. 

I particularly enjoyed the sessions on people management skills, such as resolving team tension and developing personal assertiveness, which were immediately beneficial in my role, specifically within stakeholder management. There were also sessions on specific tools such as MS Project and Kanban which were really insightful and, again, immediately beneficial in my day job. 

Make the time for learning 

My advice is to make the most of the opportunities you’re given. Time for personal development shouldn’t be a luxury – it’s an essential activity. 

I would say I’ve already applied about 80% of what I’ve learned in my role – so while some of the training means a large commitment of time, it’s time well spent. Learning new skills and ways of working can improve your efficiency and effectiveness. It also benefits the team without the need for your colleagues to provide that training or help you through tasks.  

Make sure your colleagues are aware of what you are doing and respect the time you have protected for these activities and be sure to give the training your full attention, to make the most of it.  

I gained a temporary promotion while completing the programme, and I’m continuing to work hard, learn every day, and apply the skills I’ve gained. 

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