The Department of Work and Pensions plays a crucial role in supporting individuals in the UK, particularly those who are vulnerable or in need. Delivering transparent, accessible, and efficient services is essential to effectively serve and support customers. How can we design a more transparent and time-efficient way for citizens to access and navigate DWP services?

We are seeking innovative solutions for:

  • Transparent Communication: How can we provide citizens with relevant and timely information, tailored to their individual needs and circumstances, whilst ensuring that it is secure?
  • Flexible Communication: How can we enable citizens to provide relevant and timely updates through a channel that best suits their needs?
  • Environmental Sustainability: How can we harness digital technologies to reduce the environmental impact of DWP services, such as minimising paper usage and reducing energy consumption? How can we minimise energy consumption from technology and increasing compute demands from technologies such as AI to ensure that the benefits of digital innovation are balanced with environmental sustainability?

Why This Matters:

Highly complex processes for citizens to navigate, limited transparency of processes, current services are expensive to run and are not in line with sustainability goals.

We will provide access to known user and service insights, constraints, and innovation and scalability resources during the event.